Monday 24 April 2017

Defect Life Cycle

What is Defect ?
"Defect is any variance of actual result from expected result."
It is the difference between expected result and actual result.

Expected result is the something that actually client expects behavior of his product.
This may be related to UI ,functionality ,performance of application etc.

If application is not behaving what client is expected.then its 'Defect'.

The client provides product requirement doc(PRD)/Functional requirement specification (FRS)doc/Behavior requirement doc(BRD) as reference document to convey its expectation from his product.

After getting requirement from client,Developer starts work on UI and functionality of application according to Requirement doc.After building application,Developer provides build to tester for testing.If tester finds any discrepancy in application that is not as per client requirements.Then,tester will log this as bug/defect.

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